Dr. Bernadetta Tarigan

Institut für Mathematische Modellierung und Machine Learning
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich
Bernadetta Tarigan is a qualified senior statistician with more than fifteen years of practical experience in consulting and data analysis in interdisciplinary applications including life sciences, using R-programming.

She obtained her Ph.D. in mathematical statistics at Seminar for Statistics, ETH Zurich in 2008 with a dissertation on fast rates of convergence for adaptive classification (pattern recognition / machine learning / support vector machine). Subsequently she worked as a Postdoc at Statistics for Life Sciences of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam collaborating with Dept. of Computational Neuroscience. Since 2010 she run her own business Tarigan Statistical Consulting in Zurich, providing consulting, data analysis, tailor-made teaching and workshop for academy and industry. Parallel to it she also worked at Management Information System Group of ETH Zurich supervising statistical study designs (2012-2015) and at Applied Wood Materials Laboratory of EMPA Dubendorf modelling time-to-event (2016–2017). From 2018 to 2024 she was employed by chair of Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics, Dept. of Psychology of University of Zurich, as a statistical consultant.

Since February 2019 she is supporting the animal research biostatistical consulting of Office for Animal Welfare and 3Rs UZH.

Since October 2019 she is supporting the general statistical consulting of DM3L UZH.
Since July 2024 she is supporting the student statistical consulting of DM3L UZH.

She is very grateful and fortunate to be a student of Vipassana --an ancient meditation technique-- as thought by SN Goenka. It found her in early autumn 2008. There is a parallel between mathematics and meditation. One understands mathematics if and only if one does mathematics. Similarly, one understands meditation if and only if one practices it. This passage from Susan & Paul in The Power of Small Changes inspires her: "When you look back upon your life, what will be more important to you than [an empirical and rational] practice that leads towards peace within yourself?"

Work days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays