Prof. Dr. Jan Dirk Wegner

+41 44 635 60 94

Jan Dirk Wegner holds the "Data Science for Sciences" chair at the DM3L at University of Zurich as an Associate Professor and is head of the EcoVision Lab. Jan was PostDoc (2012-2016) and senior scientist (2017-2020) in the Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing group at ETH Zurich after completing his PhD (with distinction) at Leibniz Universität Hannover in 2011. His main research interests are at the frontier of machine learning, computer vision, and remote sensing to solve scientific questions in the environmental sciences and geosciences. Jan was granted multiple awards, among others an ETH Postdoctoral fellowship and the science award of the German Geodetic Commission. He was selected for the WEF Young Scientist Class 2020 as one of the 25 best researchers world-wide under the age of 40 committed to integrating scientific knowledge into society for the public good. Jan is vice-president of ISPRS Technical Commission II, associated faculty of the ETH AI Center, member of the UN-ETH partnership, director of the PhD graduate school "Data Science" at University of Zurich, and his professorship is part of the Digital Society Initiative at University of Zurich. Together with colleagues, Jan is chairing the CVPR EarthVision workshops.

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